ITI Admission Notice For the Session August 2018 :Govt ITI's Assam [Online Apply] : ONLINE applications for admission into the Govt. ITIs of Assam for NCVT/CoE trades, SCVT trades, SCVT under IMC (SCVT trades run by IMC in some ITIs ) under Craftsmen Training Scheme for the session commencing from August 2018 are invited from permanent residents of Assam.
The passed out candidates of NCVT trades will be issued NCVT certificates & from SCVT trades will be issued SCVT certificates.
Age: The age of the candidates for admission must not be below 14 years as on 1st August' 2018.
Duration & Entry qualification for trades:
Sl no.
Name of trades
Qualification required
Passed 10th
class under 10+ 2 system of education
Operator & Programming
Stenographer & Secretarial
(English), Secretarial Practice
Basic Cosmetology, Plumber,
Fashion Design & Technology,
(DTP) Operator, Old age Care,
Multi Media, Animation and Special effect,
Passed 10th
class examination
BLTT (Bodo
Language Transcription Trade)
Passed 10th
class examination
Diesel Engine, Pump Operator cum mechanic, Plastic Processing Operator,
Surveyor, Mechanic Tractor,
Soil Testing and Crop Technician
02 semesters
Passed 10th
class under 10+ 2 system of education with science & mathematics or its
sector(BBBT modules):
processing sector,
& welding) sector,
& wood working sector,
Technology sector
01 year
Passed 10th
class examination
Turner, Machinist, Electrician,
Motor Vehicle, Information
Technology System
Mechanic Refrigeration &
conditioner, Electronics Mechanic,
mechanic, Draughtsman
Draughtsman Mechanical,
Agricultural machinery ,
Auto Body Painting,
Auto Body Repair,
Mechanic Chemical Plant
04 semesters
Passed 10th
class under 10+ 2 system of education with science & mathematics or its
04 semesters
Passed in
8th class
Sewing Technology, Surface
02 semesters
Passed in
8th class
How to apply: To participate in the e-counseling the candidates shall fill all his/ her particulars on the counseling website Online Registration shall be open from 8th June' 2018, to 21st June 2018.
Candidates must get their registration confirmed by getting their documents verified at their nearest GovL ITI within 21st June 2018.
For further details candidates may go through the information given in the website ( and may also visit their nearest Govt. RA & Employment Exchange.
For further details candidates may go through the information given in the website ( and may also visit their nearest Govt. RA & Employment Exchange.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Selection of candidates for admission will be made as per following procedure-
1. The candidate may choose the ITI as well as the courses from the course matrix table given in the website.
a. The seats will be allocated on merit, based on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate in the entry qualification examination & following reservation rules in force. The differently able (PH) candidates will be considered only on production of trade
suitability certificate issued from the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre (VRC) for handicapped, ITI Guwahati campus, Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati-16.
b. For post matric trades- in case of same percentage of marks obtained by the candidates in HSLC or equivalent examination with Science & Mathematics, the marks obtained in Mathematics will be considered, in case of similar marks in Mathematics, the marks obtained in English will be considered, at the time of preparation of merit list. If still the marks obtained by the Candidates are same, then seat will be allotted through randomization by the System.
c. Similarly for trades with HSLC pass or equivalent qualification, in case of similar percentage of marks obtained by the candidates, then the marks obtained in Mathematics will be considered, in case of similar marks in Mathematics then English marks will be considered, at the time of preparation of merit list. If still the marks obtained by the Candidates are same, then seat will be allotted through randomization by the System.
(1). For under matric trades- in case of similar percentage of marks obtained by the candidates, in class VIII examination are same, the marks obtained in Mathematics will be considered, in case of similar marks in Mathematics, the marks obtained in English will be considered, at the time of preparation of merit list. If still the marks obtained by the Candidates are same, then seat will be allotted through randomization by the System.
If the seats in Under-Matric Trades remain vacant due to non availability of 8th pass Candidates, then from 4th Counseling onwards, those vacant seats will be opened for filling up by Post-Matric Candidates.
d. In case of Engineering Trades, the candidates must have passed the entry qualification examination with Mathematics & English.
e. In case of Non-Engineering Trades, the candidates must have passed the entry qualification examination with English. In case of similar percentage of marks obtained by the candidates, then the marks obtained in English will be considered.
f. If the candidate selects 8th class pass as entry qualification, he has to fill the marks of subjects of 8th class pass only for applying in the under matric trades having 8th pass entry qualification.
A copy of certificate which is to be obtained in format –I to be downloaded from the website & 8th pass mark sheet to be submitted during verification, with other original documents, if he has applied for the trades having 8th pass entry qualification.
g. If the candidate selects 10th as entry qualification, he has to fill the marks of subjects of 10th class (HSLC) pass for applying in Post matric trades & if he also desires to apply for the trades having 8th class pass entry qualification then he has also to fill the marks of subjects of 8th for applying in under matric trades.
A copy of certificate which is to be obtained in format – I to be downloaded from the website & 8th pass mark sheet , to be submitted during verification, also for 10th pass entry qualification along with HSLC mark sheet , with other original documents, if he has applied for both the trades having 8th pass entry qualification & 10th pass entry qualification trades.
h. The candidates of CBSE courses are to fill their marks of each subject by converting from CGPA (multiplying by 9.5). No grade is allowed to put in marks table.
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